For now this will be a very short page.
I would eagerly consider offers for advertising,
negotiated on a case by case basis.
Some basic rules:
1 - NO Cookies, weird scripts, viruses, attack programs
on my page. No crawlers, no things that cover the page,
no fake invisible screen over the page that takes you to
another page. Don’t even ask if you want that,
2 - I do BANNER ads and direct ads, such as the
Amazon ads - I’m A-OK with say linking to a site or
product and then basic script (preferrably in the tag
HTML) that leads to the other site and confirms if I get
credit for a purchase.
3 - As I am a US Citizen and live in the USA I therefore
can’t advertise stuff illegal in the USA. No “Captain
Planet”, illegal drugs, etc.
4 - I reserve the right to place “PAID
ADVERTISEMENT” above the banner.
5 - I don’t do exclusivity or weird ‘contracts’ and do
expect to be compensated per agreement.
6 - Oh, and recent FTC issue COPPA - as you can see
here - I don’t do “Cookies” so therefore I can’t collect
private data on anyone, child or no.
---- Ok, sorry to say all that - but where I draw the line.
Now: subject:
I am an independant author with a big love for “Pulp” fictions -
classic science fiction, adventure, sword and sorcery. Americana
from the 60s to the 80s mainly. Rock music from Folk Rock, 60s
rock, 70s rock, Progressive rock, 70s to now, Techno music,
Synthwave, Vaporwave, Cassette punk, Japanese Anime and
Game music, Heavy Metal mainly 70s-80s. I like Star Wars before
Lucas sold out, I like lots of “B-Movie” and low grade Grindhouse
movies. Cameron films, all the 2nd rate Clonan movies, Hercules
movies. I like old published material, Epic Illustrated, Creepy,
Eeerie, Vampirella - Heavy Metal Magazine and movie. Most
animated features with an adult audience, Heavy metal again,
Fritz the Cat, Rock N’ Rule, etc. Yes, I like most Japanese Anime,
such as Vampire Hunter D….
Now - saying that for any advertiser to look through my site,
read my free story samples, decide “Would the people who like
this site, this author maybe buy my product?” BTW - if my stuff
was made into movies it’d be likely PG-13 - R rated by most
people’s judgement.
If your answer is “Yes” well I would LOVE to talk with you!
Rather, have you Email me!
Case by case, but I won’t scalp anyone. And even when I get this
operation bigger I’ll remember who helped me and be reasonable!
(read, likely not raise rates even later)
I’ll put an ad for about anything - though probably not porn
given my stuff here isn’t porn. Might make an exception for a
man named “Larry” - but I’m hoping to be asked for soft drinks,
herbal supplements, still legal drugs, other
books and comics, video games, etc.